Pupils from a Pudsey school have revealed their eco-credentials by recycling old Christmas cards.

Children from the Fulneck School Chaplaincy Club - an extra curricular club set up for pupils to explore different ways of helping people - were set the task of finding ways to make the school a greener place to learn at the start of term.

Year Six pupil Kara Farrar said: "We talked about different ways to help the pupils in school recycle their waste and realised that every single person had old Christmas cards they needed to get rid of.

"The cards have been pouring in since we started and once they are all collected, we will then deliver them to our local recycling plant.

"Its so easy to recycle your waste, if everyone recycled at least one item of household waste the world would be a much greener place to live!"

  • Are you doing your best to save the planet? Then send your stories and pictures to me, Captain Planet, care of the Features Department, T&A, Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 1JR, or e-mail editorial.features@bradford.newsquest.co.uk