A grandad is nurturing his grandson's musical talents while helping to keep youngsters off the streets.

Steve Taylor, 60, has decided to start hosting jamming sessions in Bingley following his 15-year-old grandson's obsession with guitar playing.

Now, his grandson, Jamie, of East Morton, will enjoy raising the roof with his friends at the Queen's Hotel in Bingley on Tuesday evenings, starting on January 22.

Mr Taylor said: "It encourages children to play music, it is better than them hanging out on the streets."

The sessions will be held from 7pm to 9pm and are open to teenagers, from aged 13. The sessions don't cost anything and youngsters will be supported by musicians who run a guitar shop in the town. Singers are particularly urged to come forward.

From January 21, Yamaha Music School in Saltaire will visit eight schools across the Aire Valley to encourage pupils to take up music.