Union members from the district are set to descend on London tomorrow to protest about proposed tax office closures.

Offices in Shipley, Keighley and Skipton have been earmarked for closure following a review by HM Revenue and Customs.

The Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) reacted angrily to the proposals and has been campaigning ever since the closures were announced.

Now members are set to present nearly 1,000 fake P45s to the Treasury in protest at the closures.

A local PCS representative said: "PCS members are facing constant attacks on their terms and conditions. Current Government proposals will lead to a de-skilled and unhappy workforce.

"We should be under no illusion - the closure of these offices will mean hundreds of jobs are lost from local communities."

The plan would see some staff transferred to the Bradford tax office. But the union claims such a move would mean increased traffic congestion and many members unable to continue in employment due to increased travelling time and severe financial implications for lower paid workers.