A woman is making a marathon effort to bring in cash for a charity close to her heart and her family.

Tracey Barraclough has three months to go before she takes part in the London Marathon and is hoping to cross the finishing line in under five hours.

Although she has completed six half marathons, done the Great North Run a couple of times and joined in the Race For Life a number of times in aid of Cancer Research UK, this time she is going for the big one.

And Tracey is appealing for sponsorship support in her big challenge.

"I'll just be happy to finish it but I'm quietly confident," she said.

"It's exciting but it's nerve-wracking too."

Tracey, who is a qualified hypnotherapist, has more reason than most people to put herself through her gruelling training routine.

"This is a very personal mission," she said. "Cancer research saved my life."

Tracey opted to have a hysterectomy and double mastectomy after her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother died of ovarian cancer.

Tests showed she had inherited the BRCA1 gene which can lead to a lifetime risk of up to 80 per cent for breast cancer and an increased chance of ovarian cancer.

In 2005 Tracey also lost her father, Malcolm Barraclough, to a rare form of cancer caused by a liver cirrosis unrelated to drink.

Tracey's training regime is tough but the cause is worth it, she says.

"I'm running 20 miles a week and doing lots of weight training at my friend's gym to get in shape," she said.

"I've got to do two complete 20-mile runs before the marathon on Sunday, April 13."

So far Tracey has managed to raise £350 but wants to reach a total of £1,000.

"It's not been too difficult to get money in so far but I'm hoping people who hear my story will want to back me," she said.

"Any support would be absolutely fantastic."

Anyone wanting to support Tracey's marathon bid should log on to www.runningsponsorme.org /traceybarraclough