A 20-year-old woman sobbed and struggled as she was raped in her Bradford flat, a court heard today.

She told a jury her attacker locked her bedsit door and pinned her to the floor.

The woman said her face was bruised on a wardrobe when her assailant pulled her to the ground.

Geoffrey Atack, 31, of Crossley Wood Road, Bingley, denies raping the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, on May 22 last year.

Prosecutor Jonathan Gibson told Bradford Crown Court today that Atack and three other men were at the woman's flat in Manningham drinking and playing computer games.

Later that afternoon the defendant and the woman were left alone, although her mother was in an upstairs flat.

The woman told police Atack put his arms round her and said he loved her, although they had met only that day.

She said he pinned her to the floor but after he went to lock the door she dialled 999 on her mobile phone.

Mr Gibson said the call was made at 10pm, but all that was audible was whispering.

The woman says she heard Atack coming back and threw her phone into a drawer.

Mr Gibson said the police arrived minutes after a neighbour had found the door locked and alerted them.

The jury heard Atack was heavily intoxicated and dishevelled.

The woman was lying on the floor crying and sobbing. She made an immediate complaint of rape.

Atack told police he had smoked eight cannabis cigarettes and was tipsy.

He said he had not had sex with the woman and would never commit a rape.

The woman told the jury she was crying and pushing at Atack to try to get him off.

"He was telling me to calm down and that he would take care of me. He was acting like he had known me for ages," she said.

She said she hit Atack three times in the face and kicked the wardrobe.

The woman, now 21, said her mother and a neighbour were knocking on the locked door.

Atack opened it to the police after he heard them arrive.

Cross-examined by James Keeley, Atack's barrister, the woman agreed she had previously taken overdoses and threatened to jump off bridges after rows with her mother.

She admitted she used to drink to excess, leading to her being admitted to hospital.

She denied inventing the rape, being attention seeking, or that she was confused about what happened.

The trial continues.