A GROUP of women from Bradford visited  the Queen Elizabeth Barracks in York on Thursday October 22, where they spent the day learning about the army.

22 Members of Bradford’s Inspirational Women’s Foundation took a trip to York to learn more about the army and the opportunities it offered, whilst being offered the chance to take part in assault courses, scenario-based paintballing, and rifle shooting.

Fatima Patel, CEO of Bradford’s Inspirational Women’s Foundation, who organised the event said: “Usually these kinds of events are for younger people to gain an insight into what the army does and what opportunities are available to them.

“But this was a really exciting opportunity and we all learnt so much about the army and a few of the women were even considering taking up jobs.”

The group is largely made up of Muslim women, between the ages of 20- 60 years old, who get together to play sports such as football and rounders.

Sadia Sajid, CEO of Womenzone Community Centre said: “It was such an exciting experience.

“I didn’t know anything about the army before this and I don’t think I understood the work that it does, but it was so insightful.

“I was considering joining up yesterday, because there are such a vast number of opportunities.”

This was the first adult event that the army had put on and more so a female only event.

Figures from the Army website show that there are only 450 Muslims in the regular army, highlighting why events like these are vital for communities to understand the role it plays in British society and abroad.

Major Kate Hannaford, who is responsible for engagement projects said: “Yesterday was amazing, speaking with all the ladies who came along and opening their eyes to what the army is and what it involves.

“The army represents the whole of British society, so it’s important that the force reflects that.

“My job is to work with communities to inform them about the army, how it works and what opportunities it offers.

“We need to engage wider society and communities and show them what life in the army is like.”

Those involved were extremely impressed with the day and the activities they participated in.

Data analyst, Salina Chaudhary said: “I’m aching and covered in bruises, but it was so much fun.

“I really enjoyed it and I loved meeting so many new people, being out of my comfort zone and learning about the army.”