A charity evening raised more than £5,500 for Bangladeshi cyclone survivors.

More than 120 people attended the event at Cougar Park, Keighley. It was co-ordinated by the Bangladeshi Comm-unity Association (BCA).

The West Yorkshire-based Bengali cultural group, Aaloron, launched the event with a programme of entertainment, including poetry recitals, dances and songs.

Keighley Voluntary Services also staged a hard-hitting slideshow illustrating the devastation wreaked by Cyclone Sidr in November.

Guests then enjoyed a dinner provided by Keighley firm Northern Leaf and took part in a raffle and auction hosted by Keighley News editor Malcolm Hoddy.

BCA development officer Abdul Motin said: "The aim is to look towards giving long term help for the survivors."

Anyone still wanting to donate can put money into a Keighley Natwest account specially set up for the cyclone appeal. The account number is 39884058 and the sort code is 536130.

Mr Motin said volunteers would be collecting more cash for the cause at a Keighley Cougars' home game on Saturday, February 2.
