KEIGHLEY residents have responded with enthusiasm to free home improvement measures being offered which will make their homes warmer, more energy efficient and reduce fuel bills.

Bradford Council is working in partnership with Eclipse Energy and Better Homes Yorkshire to deliver Phase 2 of the Local Area Delivery (LAD) of the Government’s Green Homes Grant – funding from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

The work involves fully insulating attic space, plastering and redecorating the area, installing insulation vats in the windows for air flow and, if needed providing mechanical insulation to bathrooms, such as an extractor fan. Work can be completed within two weeks and households are urged to sign up before the colder months set in.

So far 17 households have signed up to the scheme and Room in the Roof insulation work has been done in five of these houses.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Portfolio Holder for Healthy People and Places, said: “I am delighted to hear that there is a good response to this scheme.

“These measures can really make a difference to families’ energy bills and with us getting into autumn and colder weather it feels very timely.”

The work can improve a property’s EPC rating (a measurement of energy efficiency in buildings with A being extremely energy efficient and G being no energy efficient at all) by up to two bands. On average, the insulation measures can reduce a household’s annual energy bills by £482.26 at current prices and in a lifetime save 75.26 tonnes of carbon per property.

Stephen Batty, Head of Sustainability at Better Homes Yorkshire, said: “Existing housing in the UK currently contributes around 27 per cent of total carbon emissions and, with 80 per cent of the houses that will still be around in 2050 already built, it’s vital we look at innovative and practical solutions if we are to achieve the Government’s zero carbon ambitions.

“This offer is a great opportunity for people in Bradford to make their homes warmer and cheaper to heat, and I’d urge anyone who is eligible to take advantage.”

The programme was launched in the Bradford District in July, beginning with properties in the central Keighley area, and aims to provide grants for low income households to get low carbon retrofit measures to their properties.

To qualify, households need to meet criteria, which includes a total combined income of less than £30,000. Canvassers have been visiting properties to explain the scheme and assess if households qualify for the scheme.

Those interested need to act fast as this limited funding is available for a short time only – properties will not be able to benefit after December 2021. To find out more, go to or call Eclipse Energy direct on 01422 414850, or email Eclipse Energy recently received the 'insulation installer of the year' accolade at the Yorkshire Energy Efficiency Awards.