Money raised by speed cameras in West Yorkshire fell by £340,000 last year as the number of speeding fines in the county plunged by a quarter.

Detected offences fell for the third year running to the lowest level since West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership was created in 2002.

Throughout 2007, 47,335 speeding and red light offences were caught on camera, compared with 64,579 in 2006 and 78,780 in 2005.

The latest year-on-year reduction is 17,244, about 26 per cent.

A total of £2,244,480 was taken in fines during 2007, compared with £2,584,560 in 2006 - a reduction of £340,080. In 2005, the cameras raised £3,495,000.

The Bradford-based casualty reduction partnership said most of the fines came about through fixed £60 penalties, which also carry a punishment of three penalty points.