The Steeton Male Voice Choir celebrates its centenary with a number of concerts.

The 80-strong outfit, founded on February 3, 1907, starts with a massed male voice choir concert at St George's Hall, Bradford, on Saturday, April 26. Joining them on stage will be members of four other top choirs from the north of England.

The choir's patron, the Duchess of Devonshire, has invited singers to perform later in the year in the Painted Hall at Chatsworth and the National Trust wants the choir to sing in a floodlit concert at Fountains Abbey.

Later, they will tour the Republic of Ireland, where they will singing with the Dublin Mixed Voice Choir and the mixed choir of Tralee.

Celebrations will be rounded off with a concert in October at the King's Hall, Ilkley.

Members will hold a birthday party night at Steeton Hall, Steeton, near Keighley, on Sunday, February 3.

The choir's Robert Hamilton said: "We are proud that, whereas many male voice choirs face dwindling numbers, we have a membership of over 80 and are in great demand.

"We perform about 30 times a year in venues ranging from small chapels to cathedrals, concert halls and arenas."

People wanting tickets for the various concerts should telephone (01274) 569870.