A project launched by a Bradford school is aiming to give pupils at risk of underachieving a helping hand.

Home Office representatives visited Grange Technology College in Haycliffe Road to see the work of the project - set up by Education Bradford in February - which helps pupils improve their grades and general life skills.

Around 60 pupils benefit from monthly one-to-one meetings with 150 role models from the community, including solicitors, social workers, health workers and police officers. The project was connected to the inspirers project, set up by Javed Bashir, achievement forum co-ordinator for Education Bradford, more than two years ago.

John Humm, engagement and events manager at the Home Office, has been involved in the inspirers project for 18 months. This year he is mentoring 15-year-old Hamza Azam.

Mr Humm said: "There aren't many opportunities for young people to sit down for an hour and actually think about what they what to do. This mentoring programme is the ideal opportunity to talk to them and given them advice."

Last year he mentored a student from Keighley. Mr Humm said his behaviour was poor and was completely disengaged with school life.

"So it was a case of sitting down, identifying what he wanted to do, which was to be a motor mechanic, and find out what qualifications he needed.'' The student is now studying a mechanics GNVQ at Keighley college.

Hamza Azam is a year ten pupil studying 12 GCSEs. He said: "I hope the programme will help me improve my grades." When he finishes school he hopes to join the police or the army.

The Saturday morning extra classes worked with 60 pupils last year. That has increased to 264 in 2008 and now 12 schools are involved.

Mr Bashir said: "Its been very positive, better than we expected, we've had some excellent results. The project also helps community cohesion.

Some of the Asian students have white mentors, which gives them an understanding of other cultures and helping to get rid of stereotypes."

Anna Smith, of Grange Technology College, said: "The motivation, attitude and behaviour of the students definitely improves.

Before the project some of the students were determined to leave school, but their attitude to education changed and now they have gone on to study in the sixth form."

Other success stories from Grange include: Sonia Hussain (mentored by Stephanie Warner - Bradford Vision) achieved eight A-C grades. Currently studying Psychology and Government and Politics A-levels at Grange Sixth form Shuaib Yasin (mentored by former Lord Mayor Councillor Choudary Rangzeb) achieved seven A-C grades Currently studying BTEC Business and Sports Science at Grange sixth Form Fahim Shakeel (mentored by Bryony Taylor - freelance community worker) achieved five A-C grades currently studying BTEC Business and Advanced IT at Grange sixth form All three students were on C/D borderline grades at the start of the project.

Mr Bashir is urging other Bradfordians to get involved with the project, especially civic leaders. For more information log on to www.inspire.bradford.co.uk or call Mr Bashir on (01274) 385932.