The stepfather of a soldier wounded in an attack on a Taliban fortress said he was shocked that troops could have been exposed to contaminated blood.

The Ministry of Defence said 18 soldiers injured in Iraq or Afghanistan were given transfusions which could be contaminated.

Andy Webster, stepfather to Royal Marine Steven Spiwak, pictured, of Denholme, whose foot was shattered in the assault, last January, said he was shocked.

Steven, 22, a former pupil of Bingley Grammar School, is now back with his unit, 45 Commando, in Arbroath and awaiting reconstructive surgery.

"It's rough on the troops if this blood is not checked properly," said Mr Webster.

"It's bad enough having to go out there and get shot at without having to face the fear of getting HIV."

He said they were not fearful that Steven was involved because he had his treatment in the UK about a year ago.

Defence Minister Derek Twigg said procedures were not followed in terms of retrospective testing by the Americans. Although the risk of infection was low he stressed the matter was being taken very seriously.

Steven was among the first to charge through a breach in a fortress held by the Taliban when he was injured.

His mother Janice Webster said the family was concerned about the outcome of his reconstructive surgery.

The operation would involve removing bone from his thigh to be used in his foot. She said: "It is frustrating for him because he will be disabled again for a while until he recovers and until then won't know if he will be able to continue in the Royal Marines."