A garage owner has vowed to work on, despite a terrifying ordeal at the hands of an armed and violent gang.

Four masked men armed with a handgun, knife and hatchet forced their way into the small Texaco garage on Wakefield Road in Bowling, Bradford.

The thieves, wearing black paramilitary-style balaclavas, seized the garage's owner and forced him to open the safe and emptied the till before demanding more money with threats of violence.

The terrified proprietor, who asked not to be named, was unhurt in the attack but remains traumatised by his experience.

The small, family owned business, on a main road close to a busy round about was deserted at the time of the attack, at around 5.30pm on Thursday.

The proprietor said: "It was a very frightening experience. I was in the back office doing paperwork ready to change over my shift with my wife when the back door burst open and four men in balaclavas burst in and grabbed me.

"They were all wearing similar dark clothing and one of them had a hand gun, one a knife, one a hammer and another had a hatchet.

"I was absolutely terrified. Three of them grabbed me and forced me into the back room and demanded that I open the safe. There was nothing I could do so I just did what they told me. The fourth one stayed out in the shop and must have gone through the till because it was empty when they left.

"When they saw how much money was in the till and safe, I think about £8,000, they got angry and threatened to hurt me if I didn't give them more money. I told them there wasn't any. They were only in the building for three or four minutes. They must have parked their car at the back because I didn't see it."

Police investigating the case have said that they are looking for a small dark car which may have been used in the getaway. Although still shaken, the owner re-opened the garage the following morning.

He said: "I've been here 40 years and nothing like this has happened before. So for the moment we'll see how it goes. I suppose I should count myself lucky that I wasn't injured."

"If they'd put me in hospital we'd have had to close up. There's only really me and the wife run the place, my brother died last year and our daughter is disabled so there's no-one else to run the place."

Acting Detective Inspector Craig Lord, of Bradford South CID, said the armed gang was dangerous.

He said: "These four men are alleged to have gone into the premises, wearing balaclava masks and brandishing weapons, threatened the staff and took a large amount of cash, which included several hundred pounds in one and two pound coins."

Acting Det Insp Lord said the raiders made off at speed in a small, dark car and he appealed for anyone in the area of the petrol station at the time to come forward.

Any witnesses, or anyone with information, should contact PC Mark Keasey, of Bradford South CID, on (01274) 376571, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

e-mail: steve.wright@bradford.newsquest.co.uk