Broadway House Chambers has recently moved from premises at 9 Bank Street to newly refurbished offices at Devere House, Vicar Lane, Little Germany, Bradford.

The new offices at Devere House have been transformed to meet a new way of working in bright open-plan rooms for the Barristers and Clerks.

The offices are fully equipped with state-of-the-art remote conferencing facilities and meeting rooms, helping clients access legal services throughout the UK. Their high-tech video and audio facilities can host conferences and hearings on platforms such as Zoom, CVP, Microsoft Teams and Skype.

Devere House has disabled access up to Broadway House Chambers’ office on the second floor.

In other recent news the Set has appointed Tahir Khan QC and Stephen Wood QC as Joint Heads of Chambers. Rodney Ferm stepped down as Head of Chambers in June and said, “I have enjoyed my term as Head of Chambers and I am delighted that Chambers has taken the step of appointing Joint Heads as a team to lead us in the coming years”.

Tahir Khan QC said, “Taking on the joint leadership of Chambers is both a privilege and an honour for me. I can think of nobody better to share that responsibility with than Stephen, my friend for nearly three decades. We owe a debt of gratitude to Rodney Ferm for his stewardship of Chambers and for maintaining the stability that is the hallmark of Chambers. We hope to build on that stability in the years to come”.

Stephen Wood QC said, “It is an honour to be elected to lead the Chambers where I have spent my entire professional career but more so given that I will share that responsibility with a very dear friend and colleague in Tahir. We must pay tribute to Rodney Ferm who has led us all with skill, patience and good humour”.

Tahir and Stephen said, “Chambers' history is rooted in Bradford. We were looking forward to welcoming old and new clients to our new premises in the heart of historic Little Germany in the City”.

Please contact 01274 722560 or for further details.