Police are hunting burglars who snatched a £20,000 haul of musical equipment from a rehearsal and recording studio.

The thieves tore away a security mesh grill from a window and smashed through a breeze block wall to reach the gear.

The raid on the studio in South Street, Keighley, was discovered by band members when they arrived for a jamming session.

Five guitars, valued at about £4,000, were later found dumped in a wheelie bin nearby but 22 other items including a recorder containing music sessions, a sampler, amplifiers, microphones, a mixer and a synthesiser are still missing.

The room is used by Keighley bands Every Second of Every Day and Boys With Beaks, who share members.

Bass player Chris Dobson, 26, said: "It was unbelievable. We are devastated.

"We've had a studio there for eight years. For years all our spare time and our money has been put into our music and building up that studio.

"This has been our focus for a very long time. We're absolutely dedicated and for this to happen is unbelievable."

He said almost all the members of both bands worked and helped fund their music.

"We have worked hard for all this - it is heartbreaking to have it taken away like this. We need to do our best to recover as much of the equipment as possible."

He works as a printer, drummer Ben Wood, 28, works in retail, his guitarist brother Alex, 25, is a joiner, Owen Richards, 25, a guitarist, is a barber, James Welsh, 26, works freelance in the music industry and Martin Wooley, 21, who plays keyboards, is a student.

Chris added: "We believe whoever took it will be trying to sell it on somehow and we need to make people aware of exactly what to look for."

He said he was now appealing to people in the music business to keep an eye out for the equipment and report anything suspicious to police.

He also urged local musicians to watch out for the stolen items if they buy equipment in the near future.

Important master recordings of songs by local bands were also contained among the haul, he added.

"We have recorded many local bands. We need to do our best to recover as much of this equipment as possible."

A detailed list of the missing 22 items is available from Chris at chrisdabass@hotmail.com or on 07974 317284.

A spokesman for Keighley Police said the theft of a large quantity of music equipment had been reported at 4.59pm on Saturday.

Detectives are making inquiries and anyone with information about the theft should phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.