Almost 100 people were arrested for drink-driving in a police purge over the festive holiday.

The 97 were among 3,810 motorists breathalised by North Yorkshgire Police between December 1 and December 27.

Officers have spent more than 1,700 hours patrolling the county's roads, and breathalysed 55 per cent more drivers compared to the same period last year. But they have seen 15 per cent fewer people subsequently arrested.

Chief Superintendent Colin Taylor said: "The results are very encouraging in that we are carrying out more breath tests than last year but have arrested fewer motorists."

He warned that the intensive patrols would continue into the new year including targeting "morning after" drivers.

The dangers of being over the limit the morning after a night of heavy drinking was highlighted by a recent case where a man was caught at 10am, doing 90mph and over twice the legal drink-drive limit, said Ch Supt Taylor.

The clampdown by the North Yorkshire force has seen:

  • 2769 vehicles stopped
  • 333 fixed penalty notices for speeding issued
  • 33 summonses for speeding issued
  • 8 driver fast-tracked to court for speeding
  • 310 speed warnings issued
  • 73 fixed penalty notices for using a mobile phone while driving issued
  • 2 summons issued for using a mobile phone while driving
  • 29 number plate offences
  • 164 fixed penalty notices for seat-belt offences
  • 1 summons for a seat-belt offence
  • 11 fixed penalty notices for having no Insurance
  • 42 summons for no insurance
  • 54 vehicles seized.

West Yorkshire Police's clampdown on drink drivers was on going and figures will be compiled and released early in the New Year, said a force spokesman.