Education chiefs have ordered governors at a Bradford primary school to investigate the conduct of its head teacher amid complaints by staff about a "culture of fear".

Rashida Butt, the head of Feversham Primary School in Harewood Street, Barkerend, is accused in letters sent to Bradford Council of adopting "bullying" tactics.

In response, the Council and Education Bradford - the private firm that helps runs local schools - ordered governors, led by vice-chairman Natasha Mahmood, to investigate the allegations and report back.

Ian Beck, regional officer for the National Association of Head Teachers, would not comment on the allegations made against his union member saying only Miss Butt was "away from the school for a while for personal reasons".

A confidential joint report by the Council and Education Bradford, which has been passed to the Telegraph & Argus, says education bosses are concerned that Miss Butt's performance as head teacher may be having a detrimental effect on the management and conduct of the school.

It adds: "The level of stress staff say they are experiencing at the school has been an ongoing concern to the authority and Education Bradford over the last year.

"The authority has now received, on a confidential basis, letters from members of school staff (including former school staff) expressing concerns about the head teacher's management and giving specific examples of how bullying and intimidation of staff has, in their view, caused them stress and created a climate of fear at the school.

"These concerns need investigating and the authority and Education Bradford have formed no view on them other than that their content is such to justify an investigation."

The report includes details of a "stress audit" undertaken by 25 members of staff.

The audit highlighted issues, including the head teacher's behaviour, no action being taken "with regard to poor pupil behaviour", children on outings without "appropriate teacher supervision" and staff being employed without suitable qualifications.

Following the audit a Stress Action Plan was produced by the governors. However, the report alleges "concerns over the quality of the plan" and a subsequent "lack of action".

In November 2006, the Council was notified that staff union members had passed a vote of no confidence in Miss Butt. However, the report adds "no action appears to have been taken by the governing body in response to this".

And earlier this year, the report states the Council received letters "from a significant number of members of the school staff", many of which referred to "a culture of bullying and fear".

Feversham received an overall "satisfactory" rating in its last Ofsted report at the beginning of this year. In assessing leadership and management, also rated as satisfactory, inspectors said Miss Butt had "taken courageous and sometimes difficult decisions to raise staff morale" and "redeem flagging standards".

Brian Moore, the school's chairman of governors, and vice-chairman Natasha Mahmood would not comment.

Mr Beck said he understood Miss Butt's situation was due to be discussed at a governors' meeting earlier this month but insufficient governors attended to make it quorate.

Bradford Council and Education Bradford also did not want to comment on the situation.