Meet the new wardens patrolling Bracken Bank, Ingrow, Woodhouse and Knowle Park.

Residents may think Streets Ahead officers Anita Loughtman and Beverley Beck look familiar, and that's because they were previously street wardens in Keighley town centre.

As in their past role, the women aim to provide a reassuring presence for local people, but this time they have extra responsibilities, including a focus on environmental issues.

The pair can issue on-the-spot fines to people dropping litter or cigarettes, or those who allow their dogs to foul the paths. They will also look for problems such as graffiti, fly-tipping, faulty street lighting and burst water mains and will visit victims of crimes to offer advice and reassurance.

The aim is to build a relationship with residents so information can be passed two ways. They will pass on news about initiatives planned by the Streets Ahead regeneration project and will also hear about issues that concern people and could be tackled by the project in the future.

More than £50,000 a year is being spent in the neighbourhoods by Streets Ahead, which is part of Bradford Council. Nigel Cawthorne, the project manager, said the women would mostly patrol Woodhouse and Knowle Park.

He said: "They'll be capable guardians', looking for those things nobody else takes ownership of. It shows somebody cares."