A Europe-wide clampdown on drink driving - which included the UK - saw police check more than 880,000 motorists in a single week.

And the results suggest drink driving - one of the major causes of death on European roads - is on the rise.

Motorists were also checked for drugs in the Operation organised by TISPOL, the European Traffic Police Network, of which North Yorkshire Police Deputy Chief Constable Adam Briggs is president.

Checks were carried out night and day in 23 countries, including the UK, between December 10 and December 16.

Results show that out of 884,361 drivers checked, 22,089 or 2.5 per cent proved to be over the legal drink drive limit.

In addition 115,041 drivers were checked for illegal drugs with 737 or 0.64 per cent testing positive.

Results in the UK were above the European average with 1,356 of the 34,160 drivers tested proving positive - about four per cent.

Mr Briggs said: "The fact that in a single week we caught over 22,000 drink drivers on Europe's roads shows the clear need for operations like this.

"It suggests drink driving is on the rise in Europe which is very concerning."