PROPOSALS to redevelop a former petrol station site - creating electric car charging hubs and a convenience store, have been refused.

The Bowling Bridge Petrol Filling Station on Wakefield Road has been empty for years, and earlier this year the Motor Fuel Group applied for plans to installation 10 EV charging bays, three jet wash bays and a shop.

But the application has now been refused by Bradford Council. Planning officers said there were “inconsistencies” in the proposed shop plans, but the main issue that led to the refusal was the presence of a public sewer beneath sections of the proposed development.

Yorkshire Water had objected to the plans, saying the proposed layout of the development would “seriously jeopardise” its ability to maintain the public sewerage network.

A letter to the Council said: "I strongly advise that, prior to determination of this application, the site layout is amended to allow for adequate protection of the sewers.

'Advanced fuel centre' for more environmentally friendly HGVs is proposed for Bradford site

"It is essential that the presence of this infrastructure is taken into account in the design of the scheme. It may not be acceptable to raise or lower ground levels over the sewer and we will not accept any inspection chambers on the sewer to be built over."

Planning officers were supportive of the idea behind the development, saying it "will assist in the city's mandate to reduce pollution

levels across the city by facilitating the transition to electric vehicles."

But in refusing the plan they added: "The siting of a building over the public sewerage system, which could seriously jeopardise the sewerage undertakers ability to maintain the public sewerage network, could potentially increase the flood risk in this area.

"This is not acceptable and would be contrary to Council policies."