A Mirfield councillor has taken to the internet to keep residents informed of his work and to get feedback on local matters.

Councillor Martyn Bolt, who has been representing the area for more than ten years, says the chance to "blog" with residents is a new and exciting opportunity in community consultation, and he is sure residents will take the chance to "chat" with local councillors.

He said: "I have over the years held surgeries in village halls and community centres, I have also held street surgeries, knocking on doors and asking people their views on issues.

"We have also held some public meetings where hundreds of residents have turned out to express their views on key issues such as Battyeford Sporting club, Mirfield 25 and the future development of the LDF.

"But the advent of the internet and the ease of accessibility means that people can now contribute quickly from their own armchair."

The blog is a form of on line diary where Coun Bolt can post notes about meetings, seek feedback on developments and where residents can respond to discussion topics.

The website address is www.mirfieldmatters.blogspot.com.