A Bradford cycling group is holding a bicycle amnesty in a bid to collect old and unwanted bikes for recycling.

Crank It Up, Cycling Opportunities For All, aims to kick-start the new year by providing cycling sessions to promote health and fitness.

The voluntary project hopes to provide bicycles to people who do not own one to give everyone a chance of getting - and keeping - fit.

Tony Edmunds, leader of the project, said: "This year has seen our work develop in many ways and now includes cycling for older people and cycling for mums and children, as well as our popular fun sessions, National Standards training and road leisure rides.

"Each year we increase the number of sessions we hold by about 35 per cent and this year we have had to turn sessions away as we did not have the people to hold them.

"We regularly see young people riding bikes that need repairing and, on too many occasions, are even dangerous.

"By setting up cycle-re-cycle' we will show young people how to maintain and do some repairs to their bikes.

"Those who do not have a bike will keep the bike they recycle and then be able to cycle more often."

Even if the wheels are buckled and the frame damaged, bicycle parts can be recycled. Parts beyond repair can be sold to scrap yards, which would bring the group much needed funds, and would also allow them to be recycled in other ways.

In 2005 the group scooped a Yorkshire Water and Telegraph & Argus award.

As well as schemes like cycling for the blind and teaching children about road safety, the group conducts various special cycling events.

Anyone who has any unwanted bikes, or who has got a new bike for Christmas and does not know what to do with their old one, can hand them in on Saturday, December 29, between 10.30am and 12.30pm at the cycle track at the back of the Richard Dunn sports centre in Odsal, Bradford.

For more information call 07835 840989 or e-mail cycle-re-cycle@hotmail.co.uk.