Maddy Prior and The Carnival Band,St George's Hall

Legendary folk singer Maddy Prior's haunting voice fitted in perfectly with the Renaissance instruments played by the Carnival Band.

The musicians, led by the versatile Andy Watts, who played bagpipes during the Sussex Carol, also did their share of singing.

Old favourites, including God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, See Amid The Winter's Snow and The Holly and the Ivy, for which younger members of the audience were invited on to the stage to play percussion instruments, contrasted with secular carols like The Boar's Head and dance tunes and waltzes from way back in time.

The audience were on their side from the moment Prior, left, and the five-piece group made their entry from the rear of the stalls and went down the aisles, singing and playing guitarist Steno Vitale's Wake Up.

A jazzed-up version of Angels From The Realms of Glory had everyone joining in the chorus, and the closing drinking song, Bring Us In Good Ale, was very much in the style of Steeleye Span, the outfit with which Prior made her name.

Prior and Watts explained the background to each of the songs, some coming from France, Germany and America, and many were obscure to those not familiar with this type of music. The pair also danced together during some of the more lively stuff.

Newly-released is the band's first single, Stuff - a fun tune about goings-on in the festive season and featured during their extensive pre-Christmas tour.