A 24-YEAR-OLD has been ordered to pay just under £200 to the Court after pleading guilty to producing cannabis.

Hammas Mahmood Ali, of Lytton Road in Bradford, was punished on a charge of producing a controlled drug of class b - cannabis.

He had grown nine cannabis plants in total at his home.

These were discovered on August 29 last year and the plants were forfeited and destroyed.

Ali appeared at Bradford and Keighley Magistrates' Court at the start of last week, on April 19.

The 24-year-old indicated a plea of guilty and was fined £80.

The Court also ordered him to pay a £34 surcharge, to fund victim services, and also £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service.

Ali is expected to pay £5 a week until the total balance of £199 is resolved.

This means it will take around 39 weeks to pay the full amount.

The payments begin in just over two weeks time, on May 17.