With 636,127 books to choose from, libraries across the Bradford district are encouraging avid readers to make borrowing a book their new year resolution.

And Bradford Council leader Kris Hopkins got behind the drive by spending time at the city's Central Library and learning the ropes.

He said: "We are fully committed to family learning and library facilities and we have some great libraries and staff in the Bradford district.

"I would urge everyone in the new year to visit their local library or travelling library and take a look at the great range of books and other services on offer and become a regular borrower."

As well as the hundreds of thousands of books available to borrow throughout the district at libraries and travelling libraries, there are another 33,510 items to borrow. These include DVDs, audio books, videos, music CDs and console games.

People who live in the Bradford district can easily become a member of the library service by taking proof of their name and address to a library.

This year Keighley Library opened after its £1.1 million refurbishment and it has proved incredibly successful, with an average of more than 7,000 people a week visiting since it reopened in August.

Adult use is up by nearly 25 per cent and children's book loans are up by over 75 per cent.

The Council has also learned that Manningham Library is to be redeveloped and extended thanks to £1,499,000 from the Big Lottery Fund.

Jane Glaister, the Council's strategic director of culture, tourism and sport, said: "Our libraries provide a great service to residents and we want to encourage even more people to use their local library and go and borrow some books."

Since the beginning of this year, 1,280,680 books have been loaned across the whole service, with 106,890 other items. At the Central Library alone, book loans amount to 194,072, with other items totalling 28,127.

As for the district's favourite books, Piece of My Heart, by Peter Robinson, was the most-loaned adult fiction title, taken out 431 times.

And for children, it was Charlie and Lola: But Excuse Me That Is My Book, by Lauren Child, which was taken out a staggering 809 times in the year.

e-mail: jo.winrow@bradford.newsquest.co.uk

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