A Baildon landlord is making light out of one of life's little inconveniences in the name of charity.

To most, a street lamp left broken for 12 months is an annoyance rather than a cause for celebration, but Bill Arnold, left, at The Junction pub has spotted a unique opportunity to support a worthy cause.

It was a year ago when the driver of a Porsche crashed his vehicle into a lamp post at traffic lights outside the pub in Otley Road, Baildon.

The male driver walked away uninjured from the wrecked vehicle which smashed through a decking area outside the pub and damaged the lamp post.

Light has yet to return to the spot as work to replace the downed lamp was delayed by Bradford Council while roadworks were carried out and now the whole affair has prompted Mr Arnold to announce an event he dubs The Big Lamp Anniversary on Sunday.

He is holding a celebratory quiz at The Junction consisting of questions on the themes of light and beer. Quiz sheets are available all day and cost £1.

A special brew named The Big Lamp First Anniversary Ale has been produced by Naylor's Brewery of Cross Hills and will be on sale at £2 a pint. All proceeds go to Candlelighters children's cancer charity.