AN MP is due to meet with British Transport Police and Network Rail amid concerns about people trespassing on railways.

Robbie Moore, Keighley and Ilkley’s Conservative MP, will discuss the issue with rail chiefs in a bid to try and tackle the problem. 

It comes after he was made aware of more people trespassing on the Keighley Worth Valley Railway (KWVR).

These worrying pictures show people using it as a walkway, seemingly oblivious to the risk and danger of doing so. 

The heritage railway reopened on April 17, and while it was closed to visitors prior to that date, the line was still used for training days and running maintenance trains. 

Earlier this month, a picture emerged of two adults and a child walking along the rail lines, prompting condemnation from Mr Moore who branded it “totally irresponsible”.

He said: “It is frightening to see that people are continuing to walk on active railway lines despite the stark warnings which have already been given. 

“Walking on railway lines is dangerous. Trains can’t stop quickly, neither can they swerve out of the way.

"There were 17 fatalities involved with trespassing on railway lines last year – 17 fatalities which could have been avoided. I am due to meet with both the British Transport Police and Network Rail to see what more can be done to deter people from trespassing on railway lines.”

Noel Hartley, operations manager at KWVR, said: “We are working with West Yorkshire Police on this and we are also working with our workers to identify where the issues are.”

He said one challenge on the railway is of public rights of way which cut across it, making it difficult to police on a regular basis.

Mr Hartley added: “I think something we can do is try and raise awareness of trespassing on railways in general.

"I think parents have a role here as well, as well as the education system, there needs to be some action from parents, making sure their kids understand the dangers of trespassing, particularly places like railways where there are some serious dangers.

“The dangers of railways are not limited to one specific railway, they are across the whole of the country.

"Any incidents of trespassing on the railway are being taken seriously by police and so if anyone is caught doing it, there will be repercussions.”

The British Transport Police do not police the private Keighley and Worth Valley Railway line but they issued recent warnings to people about of hanging around or going on to rail tracks and Network Rail said the consequences of trespassing can be life-changing or fatal.