John Dyer is looking forward to Christmas Day. "We are closed that day, so we will be having a family Christmas. I'm looking forward to it."

The day off comes as a welcome break to John and his partner Gemma Long who, as well as running a busy pub and restaurant, have a young daughter and a new baby to look after.

"It's a six-hour day, seven-day week," he says. "With our son being only a few weeks old, things are a bit hectic at the moment - we're not getting much sleep." But, says John, it goes with the territory. "When we do get time off we enjoy it - we do a bit of socialising and usually eat out," he adds.

The pair have been at the helm of Baildon's historic Old Glen House, at the top of Shipley Glen, for three years and are proud of what they have achieved. "Everything we serve is home-made," he says. "The entire menu is made on the premises," he says. "We take time to prepare everything ourselves right down to the stock we use and our hand-made ice cream."

Diners eating at the restaurant over Christmas can choose from an a la carte menu or opt for bar snacks. Chicken breast fillet with chestnut stuffing; pan-roast salmon fillet with spring onion mash and tagliatelle of roasted vegetables with chestnuts are among the dishes on offer over the festive period. The flavour of the season is carried through with traditional Christmas pudding and sherry trifle among the desserts.

John, 30, has worked at the inn, which dates back 400 years, for six years, taking over the lease with Gemma, 29, in 2004. The pair - Gemma, who is currently looking after the children full-time, works front-of-house - have overseen a full refurbishment of the premises, where the olde-worlde interior of beamed ceilings and exposed stone walls harbour modern comforts in seating and decor.

"It's like the menu - traditional English with a modern twist," says John, whose primary role is manager, but who assists head chef Jamie Rylance when needed.

He has been interested in cooking since childhood. "I used to help my mum in the kitchen and when I was 13 I got a part-time job washing-up in the Gable End restaurant in Thornbury."

A course in hotel management was followed by work at Bradford's Cedar Court Hotel and a stint as manager of a Bradford nightclub. He has also worked at the Marriott Hollins Hall Hotel in Baildon.

John prefers being his own boss. "I like being in charge - it's the freedom of being able to make decisions, change the menu, and introduce new dishes."

This is carried out monthly, enabling seasonal produce to be used. "We keep some dishes on the specials board for regulars - our fish pie, which is very popular, has been on the board for two years."

Wherever possible, locally-sourced food is used. Suppliers include RK Asquith & Son of Ilkley for fruit and vegetables, meat from the Duke of Devonshire's estate at Bolton Abbey, and fish from Harrogate-based Ramus seafood.

"More and more diners want to know where the food they eat comes from," says John. "It is a changing market. People have been reading about their carbon footprint and want to reduce it, plus they don't want to put a lot of rubbish into their bodies."

The Old Glen House has been lucky for John in more ways than one - it is where he met Gemma. "I was working and she came in for a drink with some mutual friends." Having doubled their numbers, they now share the living quarters with eight-year-old Sydney and baby Alfie.

"It's great being a dad, I love it," he says. "Despite the lack of sleep."

  • Old Glen House, Prod Lane, Shipley Glen, Baildon. Tel: (01274) 589325