Community groups in Bradford are being given the chance to bid for grants of up to £500 from the West Yorkshire Police Community Trust.

The Trust, which has given more than £900,000 of funding to groups and projects throughout the county since it was established in 1996, has just launched its fifth Small Grant Round.

Applications are now being invited from voluntary and community groups across West Yorkshire for grants to fund projects that play a part in helping to reduce anti-social behaviour.

All applications need to be endorsed by an officer from one of West Yorkshire Police's neighbourhood policing teams. The deadline for completed and endorsed applications is February 15, 2008.

Jane Mills, West Yorkshire Police's Head of Strategic Partnerships, said: "Over the years, the Trust has supported more than 300 groups and projects in West Yorkshire helping them to make a difference in a wide variety of ways, from providing accommodation or help and support to people in times of great need to engaging children and young people in sporting or creative activities.

"The Trustees are keen to support the smaller grants programme, which runs twice a year, based on feedback we received from groups that a small amount of funding is often all is needed to start some fantastic work in local communities."