Good Samaritans from churches across the district are doing more than pray for those who will not be having a merry Christmas.

Since City Lights was set up almost a year ago - a charity which has been feeding homeless and destitute people every Sunday - volunteers have seen the number of users double.

Around 80 people from all walks of life and of every nationality now gather every week at Centenary Square for what could be their only decent meal of the week.

Yesterday, there was much goodwill to mankind as 20 volunteers dished up Christmas dinners with all the trimmings. And, visitors to the soup kitchen did not leave empty handed as hampers were also distributed.

School children and residents contributed the goods for the hampers.

Volunteer David Wilford said: "They deserve a Christmas too. It is very important to continue this work, not just at this time of year, but all year round."

Mr Wilford, chief executive of Holme Christian Community, identified a need for food to be available to the needy on Sundays and uses a double-decker bus as soup kitchen.

It costs around £150 to keep the kitchen going and the charity depends on donations and volunteers.

Residents have also dug deep to put smiles on the faces of youngsters who will celebrate Christmas in a hostel. Hundreds of presents have been bought for children up to the age of 16 who live with their families at Norman Bank Hostel, Idle Road, Five Lane Ends.

Manager Jean Brockbank is over the moon at the response from residents.

She said: "We have been inundated and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone. I think we have enough for everyone but we could do with a little bit more. There are some asylum seekers who have just been told they can stay in the UK and so it would be great if we could give all their children something."

Customers of nearby Big Discount Store donated around 20 presents for the hostel.

Deputy manager Sandra Taylor said: "We thought we would do something to help the children this year, as they are what Christmas is all about. We are hoping all of the children will get something, we are really pleased with the support from our customers, they have been fantastic and we couldn't do this without them."

Anyone who would still like to donate food or volunteer for City Lights can visit Holme Christian Community, Madison Avenue, Bradford or log on to Presents for youngsters up to the age of 16 can be dropped off at Norman Bank Hostel, 440 Idle Road, Five Lane Ends, Bradford.