A major recycling campaign to encourage licensees across Bradford to reduce the amount of glass being sent to landfill has been hailed a success.

The Have You Got The Bottle? campaign was launched earlier this year by regional support agency Recycling Action Yorkshire (RAY).

The campaign is encouraging hospitality businesses to sign up to a recycling collection service and change the way their business deals with waste.

Every tonne of recycled glass prevents the quarrying of 1.2 tonnes of raw material and avoids the release of 600kg of CO2 into the atmosphere. If the 110,000 tonnes of glass sent to landfill each year across the North were recycled it would save 60,000 tonnes of CO2 from being emitted into the atmosphere - the same as taking 11,379 family cars off the road for a year.

Now the partners behind the initiative say they are delighted by the response to the campaign.

Campaign spokesman Ben Stone said: "I'm absolutely delighted by the success of the campaign. Licensees have clearly understood the serious message behind the campaign and responded enthusiastically. The benefits to the environment are obvious - glass is 100 per cent recyclable.

"Despite this, the amount of glass sent to landfill in the North is huge. By recycling just one glass bottle you could save enough energy to power a 100-watt light bulb for almost an hour."