Two teachers with 77 years' experience between them have retired from the classroom.

It is the end of era for Saltaire Primary School as reception teacher Janet Frost, 60, of Cottingley, ends a career spanning 40 years, and class teacher Tricia Laing, 58, of Nab Wood, calls time of 51 years in teaching.

Mrs Laing leaves the school for the second time having attended the school, then Albert Road Junior School, as a pupil in the 1950s. She began teaching at Tong Park, in Baildon, moved on to Allerton First School, before spending the last 22 years at Saltaire Primary developing the religious education curriculum.

Mrs Frost started at Haworth Road Infant School, in Bradford, in 1968, and wound up as a teacher at Saltaire Primary in 1982.

She said: "It has been a pleasure seeing the children learning, when they are four or five they just soak it up and are enthusiastic - it's inspiring."

Mrs Laing said: "I shall remember my colleagues being really supportive and as good friends. What kept me teaching was seeing how children progressed and improved."

Deputy headteacher Sally Stoker said: "They've been an inspiration to so many generation of children and staff."

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