Impatient drivers who get themselves stranded in the middle of a busy Bradford junction have been accused of putting lives at risk.

Firefighters say they are being hampered by motorists who drive into the middle of a traffic light-controlled junction in Girlington, even though they know traffic is preventing them exiting the junction.

The "dangerous" bottle-necks are occurring at the cross-roads of Whetley Lane and Thornton Road, near the Morrisons store.

The problem came to a head this week when firefighters from Fairweather Green were badly delayed at the junction after being called out to an emergency.

Now a councillor is calling for action to alleviate the problem before it gets even more serious.

John Mustoe, watch manager at Fairweather Green fire station, said: "At those traffic lights, you see cars just sat in the middle of the junction, blocking off the junction totally.

"They get trapped in the middle because they are impatient. They know they will get stuck at the traffic lights if they don't go onto the junction.

"If there's an emergency, how are the fire service or the police supposed to get through?

"If it's their house that's on fire, they will look stupid if they are the ones who prevent us getting to the fire because they are blocking our way.

"It's just impatience from the drivers who do it, but it could put lives in danger."

Councillor Qasim Khan (Lib Dem, Manningham) said traffic-related problems at the junction of Whetley Lane and Thornton Road were "horrendous".

He said: "I'm not surprised the emergency services are having trouble at that junction. It's dangerous. All the traffic coming down Whetley Lane wants to get into the junction to turn onto Thornton Road.

"When the lights go green, everyone thinks they can go into the junction to turn right but they can't because of the traffic. That's how it gets clogs up, especially at peak times.

"The fact that Morrisons is there as well is causing problems because of the amount of traffic coming in and out of that junction.

"I'm not a traffic engineer, but something should be done. The solution could be a roundabout or a detour for traffic coming along Whetley Lane." Coun Khan said similar problems were occurring at the junction of Cemetery Road and Thornton Road, and at the junction of Squire Lane and Allerton Road.


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