A request by the Save Our Summercross campaign group to use Otley Civic Centre as its official base' has been refused by town councillors.

MP Greg Mulholland had asked if the group - which is fighting to have the recently closed pub on East Busk Lane, now earmarked for housing, reopened - could list the civic centre as its address.

But at the latest executive committee meeting the question sparked a wider debate among councillors about whether the building should be available to use by local pressure groups.

Committee chairman and town council leader Councillor Jim Spencer said: "The MP is asking on behalf of the SOS campaign to use here as an address.

"But this specific request has brought up the wider question. What we're asking for is a general policy on this because we don't have one at the moment."

Coun Christine Campbell said: "I think it would raise complications and it's more work for our staff.

"There could also be problems with various groups who don't get on with each other."

Town Mayor Councillor Neville Birch agreed, and the committee rejected the request unanimously.