An elderly couple are living in fear after stone-throwing children wrecked their Christmas.

George and Lilly Foster say their flat, in Hallwood Green, Ravenscliffe, Bradford, is an easy target for vandals.

The hooligans, aged ten to 12, smashed the living room window in the latest of a spate of attacks on Thursday.

Now Mr and Mrs Foster want extra police patrols to protect them.

Mrs Foster, 68, saw a youth hurl a stone that smashed the outer pane of the double-glazed window.

"We are living in fear," she said. "It is Christmas and the window is shattered. They pick on us because we are easy targets. My husband has arthritis and I have had a hip operation so they know we can't run after them."

She and Mr Foster, a retired driver, 68, moved to their first floor flat three years ago.

For the first 12 months, the couple had a trouble-free time at the Bradford Community Housing Trust property, but for the last two winters groups of youngsters have hung around, hurled eggs at the windows and jumped on the family car.

Mr and Mrs Foster's son James, 44, chased after them but they escaped onto a nearby recreation ground.

Recently, children scaled scaffolding to get onto the roof of the flat and peer through the windows.

At 4.45pm on Thursday, the stone was hurled at the lounge window. The missile smashed the outer pane, leaving the room cold and the couple vulnerable to further attack.

"We want to move away from the area. We have never seen a police car patrol the street, although we have had to call the police numerous times," Mrs Foster said. "I am too frightened to go near a window. I sat on the toilet seat and had a cup of coffee so they would not see me. I am terrified they are coming back."

A police spokesman said: "We are investigating.

"Inquiries are ongoing and anyone with any information is asked to contact Bradford North Neighbourhood Policing Team via 0845 6060606."

A spokesman for Bradford Community Housing Trust said the window would be repaired early next year.

He said: "This has been a very upsetting incident for Mr and Mrs Foster and we will be keeping in close contact with the couple and liaising with the Neighbourhood Policing team.

"We would urge tenants to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour to their local Trust or ring our 24-hour reporting line on 254274.

The spokesman said a glazier was due to measure up for a new window. "The window will be fitted as soon as possible in the new year," he said.