Work on revamping Otley's town centre is set to start in the spring after £250,000 of funding was approved.

The money for improvements to the Market Place and CCTV was agreed by Leeds City Council. Otley Town Council has also agreed to make a £19,300 contribution to the CCTV part of the project, which will pay for one camera.

Town council executive committee chairman Councillor Jim Spencer said: "The options are to either buy a camera or pay maintenance for one of them over five years. Personally, I would prefer to buy one. There's one going to be situated fairly close to the Civic Centre, and I think that's the one we probably need to go for."

Coun Graham Kirkland said: "I don't think we should throw away this opportunity to make sure Otley is as protected as it possibly can be."

Otley's ward councillors, meanwhile, have declared the funding approval for the wider improvements scheme as "a great Christmas gift for Otley."

Coun Colin Campbell said: "Just over two years ago we began consultations with Leeds about what investment we could make to improve the centre of Otley.

"The scheme to upgrade the Market Place, which is part of the Town and District regeneration package, has come about as the result of discussions with community and interest groups."

Coun Ryk Downes said: "We believe these works, along with the CCTV cameras and the new town centre heritage lighting, will make a real difference."

The work will include repairing and relaying the cobbles' (stone setts), installing a Yorkstone pedestrian crossing at the junction of Market Place and Market Street and relaying the ginnel between Market Street and Boroughgate.

Coun Kirkland said: "One of the features of the proposals are direction signs to local amenities. If residents have any suggestions about what we could put on them they can get in touch."