A schoolboy leapt into action after being moved by the plight of sick children while visiting a young relation at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Hassnain Haider, 15, a Year Ten pupil at Rhodesway School in Allerton, travelled to the hospital to see seven-year-old nephew Mohammed Ali who was being treated for cancer.

Hassnain vowed to do all he could to help - and roped in teachers and pupils at his school. With help from teachers Erin Densmore and Jemma Colquhoun, a concert was arranged, raising £500. Year Nine student Anisha Khan, 13, added £65 after finding money in the street. Anisha informed the police of her haul but was told it was hers when no-one claimed it.

Head teacher Rachel Kidd said: "Both Hassnain and Anisha are wonderful examples of the excellent students we have at Rhodesway!"

Pictured, from the left, are Erin, Hassnain, Jemma and Anisha.