The stars of Bradford's Alhambra panto came out to shine for poorly children at Bradford Royal Infirmary - oh yes they did!

Comedian Billy Pearce, who plays the part of Mr Smee in Peter Pan, went on ward rounds with Tinkerbelle and a cast of pirates yesterday.

The panto crew spent about an hour chatting to patients and their families on Ward 2 - much to the youngsters' delight.

Three-year-old Sasha Kenyon, of Heaton, got a big surprise when he woke to find his bed surrounded by pirates. His mum, Gillian, said: "He's had visitors but wasn't expecting any pirates!"

Sasha is recovering from a broken leg and has spent the last two weeks in traction.

"He's doing really well and we're hoping to go home at Christmas - it'll be the best Christmas present ever."

Bradford's favourite funnyman, Billy, said: "It's become a bit of a habit now coming to see the children on the wards at Christmas.

"When we first started doing it I used to worry about getting in the way but the nurses tell me everyone loves it. The staff do such a wonderful job, they make me feel tiny in comparison. They are the real stars."

Ward play therapist Lisa Smith said: "We've all had lots of fun. The children are obviously too poorly to get out to see the panto so this way we get to bring the panto to them. It's a real treat."

Jodie Jackson who appears on stage as Tinkerbelle had these magic words for little ones and the young at heart: "Remember to keep a look out for Santa's reindeer on Christmas Eve but when you hear his sleigh, get to bed quick and fall fast asleep. Oh! And remember to be good if you want all those presents on your wish-list."

l Peter Pan runs at The Alhambra until January 27. Tickets can be booked on (01274) 432000 or online at e-mail: kathie.griffiths