Revellers enjoying Christmas and New Year are being urged to consider their neighbours when it comes to making noise.

All-night parties and modern sound systems can cause a serious nuisance, especially in flats and terraced houses.

Bradford Council is urging people to make sure their party is well organised and run, so that its environmental protection team do not have to come calling.

Environmental health officers and the police, have the power to put a noisy party to an abrupt end by serving an abatement notice or taking away the sound system on the night. If the notice is ignored, the organiser could face a maximum fine of £5,000.

John Major, assistant director of environmental health, said: "We don't want to be kill joys and stop people having fun over Christmas and New Year but occasionally parties get out of hand and cause a serious nuisance to neighbours.

"We are asking people over the festive period to think of their neighbours and make sure we don't end up being your uninvited guests."

Bradford Council recommends:

  • let your neighbours know that you plan to hold a party, let them know the finishing time and stick to it. Even better, invite them along;
  • be more considerate if the party is being held in the garden - music can carry a long way;
  • let fireworks off before 11pm (or 1am on New Year's Eve);
  • DO keep an eye on the noise levels during the party. Think about where your speakers are positioned and move them away from party walls and windows;
  • DO respond to any complaints by turning your music down;
  • DO encourage your guests to leave as quietly as possible. Slamming of car doors and raised voices late at night can be just as disturbing as loud music;
  • DON'T have parties too often, neighbours will tolerate the occasional party but not every weekend;
  • DON'T play music at the same volume as you would expect to hear in a pub or club and don't be tempted to turn up the volume as the party livens up';
  • DON'T forget that you will be probably be living alongside your neighbours for years to come, don't let one party spark off a neighbourhood feud.

For further information on how you can reduce your noise levels, please contact Bradford Council's Environmental Protection Team on (01274) 434366 or e-mail More information can also be found at and