On the first day of Christmas Saltaire youngsters gave to the town the first window of a living advent calendar.

And residents have been following the lead of Saltaire Primary School pupils by unveiling a festive window in the village every day since. They will continue to do so up to Christmas Eve.

The seasonal windows are lit up at dusk and will continue to shine over the 12 days of Christmas.

Organisers David and Victoria Worsley picked up the idea from a scheme in Hull, originating from Switzerland and Germany, and ran the living calendar for the first time in Saltaire last year.

Mr Worsley, 38, of Dove Street, said: "A friend of mine has their parents over from Germany at the moment and they were so impressed with the calendar that they are going to take the idea back with them.

"So the idea has come full circle as Germany is where the idea originated.

"Everyone has had a fantastic time. Everyone has become very involved and wanted to put on a show.

"I have to say last year's windows were wonderful but this year's have been even better quality.

"Last year it was lovely to see all the families coming together in Saltaire, including to look at the windows on Christmas Eve.

"The children get very excited and we are hoping for even more people to enjoy the windows this year."

Displays are still being unveiled at houses in the village every day up to Christmas Eve.

To sneak a peak view of the last four windows to be unveiled, check out:

  • today - 41 Rhodes Street
  • tomorrow - 73 Victoria Road
  • Sunday - 50 Caroline Street
  • Christmas Eve - 71 George Street
e-mail: mel.fairhurst @bradford.newsquest.co.uk