Plans for a new £1 million community centre are a step closer to reality after a Christmas present from the Lottery.

The management committee for Baildon Community Link is celebrating a £24,000 initial grant from The Big Lottery by drawing up plans for a replacement centre in Ferniehurst.

The current centre in Cliffe Avenue is a dilapidated building which was once used as a school kitchen.

It was envisaged part of the closed Ferniehurst First School in the village would be used for the community, but the building was demolished because it was deemed unsafe.

Now it is hoped a futuristic and environment-friendly community centre will be built near the existing Link site with a £500,000 grant from The Big Lottery, match-funded by Bradford Council.

The centre would incorporate solar panels which will heat the water and provide electricity. A sedum roof, which reduces water run-off, would store heat during the summer months and insulate during winter.

Chairman of the committee Mervyn Flecknoe said: "We are over the moon about the funding. The Lottery doesn't over-allocate stage one funding because it would be a waste of money for them - we just need to play our cards right and meet the deadlines.

"The current site is a terrible building. It is rotting and full of asbestos.

"The new facility would be about 20 per cent bigger and would be wonderful for the community."

Ward councillors and Bradford Council's executive member for regeneration, Councillor Andrew Mallinson, are supporting the plans.

Coun Mallinson said: "My role has been assisting in the process of looking at the various options available around Baildon to make sure whatever facility is built is not a financial burden on the Council, and that there is a good management structure in place and services.

"The management is working extremely well, which is proved in this Lottery bid.

"We are looking at bringing a report to Bradford Council's executive to recognise the work that has been done and will then apply for a capital bid.

"I am delighted at the progress which has been made, especially at what has been achieved in the last six month. It is fantastic.

"This project is about recognising the community of Baildon is becoming more diverse, it is growing and needs updated facilities."

Architects are set to be appointed and plans need to be submitted by September 2008. Residents are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the plans on Wednesday, January 9, at 7pm at Baildon Community Link.