The devastated dad of a seven-year-old boy killed in a road accident opposite his home has urged all drivers to take extra care in residential areas.

Arslan Ali Khan, a pupil at Girlington Primary School, was in an accident with a van as he crossed a road on his way to buy sweets at a corner shop.

His father Hammed Khan, 47, said the death of his son has left a hole in their lives which could not be filled.

Fighting back tears Mr Khan, of Girlington Road, Girlington, said: "I want to plead with all drivers to take extra care when they are driving, especially in residential streets."

Mr Khan, who also has four daughters aged three months, three, nine and 11, had just returned from picking up Arslan's sister from Girlington Primary School when he saw there had been an accident.

He said: "Arslan came home from school and I gave him some money to go and buy some sweets from across the road.

"I went to collect my daughter from school and when I got back I saw there had been an accident but I didn't know my son was involved.

"I asked people what had happened and then somebody told me it was my son.

"I just froze - I couldn't believe two minutes earlier I had seen him.

"When I went to where he was I could see his injuries and so I put my jacket over his body.

"The ambulance came and I was praying and hoping he would be all right, but unfortunately that wasn't to be.

"He was looking forward to Christmas and his mother had already bought his clothes for Eid but we won't be celebrating either because of what has happened."

Mr Khan said Arslan's mother has struggled to speak since the incident.

He said: "I think she has taken it like any mother would - worse than anybody else.

"She just can't believe that her son is no longer with her."

Arslan's uncle Ishtiaq Ahmed, 50, of Heaton, Bradford, said he was a sweet and bright boy who preached to his sisters the importance of road safety.

He said: "He was the shining star of the family.

"His sisters used to look up to him because he was a bright lad and very forward thinking - he was too clever for his age."

The family's home has been crowded with family and friends since the news of Arslan's death.

Arslan's funeral service has taken place at Westgate Mosque. He was buried at Scholemoor Cemetery.

Family friend Councillor Amir Hussain (Lab, Toller) said: "All weekend the house has been full - I spent my time here and there wasn't enough room for everybody.

"That's how the community in Girlington has rallied behind the family."

Sue Wood, head teacher at Girlington Primary School, said the school held assemblies to pray and think of Arslan.

She said: "He was a lovely boy, full of life, and this is a horrible accident to happen.

"We had parties planned for Monday and Tuesday because of the time of year, and we talked to the children and made a decision that we are going to postpone them until the first day back after Christmas.

"Our thoughts are very much with the family."

An inquest into Arslan's death has been opened and adjourned pending further inquiries by Bradford Coroner Roger Whittaker.

* A 31-year-old driver of a white Mercedes-Benz van, arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving in connection with the incident, has been released on police bail.

Anyone who saw the incident at 4pm on December 13 or the van immediately beforehand should contact PC Darren Wood at Bradford North Road Traffic Department on (01274) 376247.