A teenager caught in possession of 81 ecstasy tablets after leaving a Bradford nightclub was locked up for six months today.

Bradford Crown Court heard how Stephen Prince had the tablets inside a plastic bag when police officers searched him after he tried to run away from them.

Prince, 19, of Rowanwood Gardens, Ravenscliffe, Bradford, pleaded guilty to possessing the drug with intent to supply.

Sending him to a young offenders' institution, Judge Roger Scott told him: "You seem to think that this is not a serious offence.

"Those who take drugs into a club with a view to taking them themselves and also to give by way of supply must realise it is against the law. It is a serious offence and you are dealing in Class A drugs."

The court heard that after his arrest Prince told officers he had bought 100 tablets for £80 and would take 10-15 himself during a night out. He said he would give tablets to friends free of charge.

Austin Newman, for Prince, said his client had given up taking ecstasy and dramatically reduced his use of cannabis.