WEST Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service have reminded people who are out enjoying the sun today that barbecues are banned on moors.

The fire service tweeted: "If you're heading out to enjoy the sun today, please do it safely and in line with government guidelines. BBQs are banned on our moors. Take a picnic instead! Please don't litter. Never use open water to cool off."

The fire service also highlighterd the importance of the Be Moor Aware campaign.

Be Moor Aware says that each year wildfire destroys thousand of hectares of the countryside, having significant effects on the economy, environment and social fabric of rural areas.

The Pennine Moors covering Kirklees, Calderdale and parts of Bradford contain Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), the highest National Protection Designation and highest European Nature Conservation Designation.

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service has a statutory duty to protect the moorland environment and is a member of the South Pennines Fire Operation Group made up of local councils, landowners, Fire and Rescue Services, Yorkshire Water, United Utilities, Pennine Prospects and Natural England. The group coordinates protection activity within these areas.

Along with itspartners, the fire service wants people to #BeMoorAware of the impacts that moorland wildfire has on communities and they are keen to help to prevent future wildfires across West Yorkshire.