West Yorkshire Police have been recognised for their achievements in energy efficiency.

The force has received an accreditation award from the National Energy Foundation for reducing its energy year on year and for having the policies and strategies to manage its energy efficiently.

World record breaking yachtswoman, Dame Ellen MacArthur handed over the award to West Yorkshire Police energy manager George Smith at a presentation evening in London.

Mr Smith said issues concerning the environment were now under the spotlight more than ever.

He said: "There is a great expectation from the Climate Change Summit, held in Bali last week that all countries will sign up to targets for tackling climate change.

"At West Yorkshire Police we are playing our part in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide we are directly responsible for. In the last four years we have reduced the gas and electricity we use, which represents a significant 10 per cent decrease in carbon dioxide to atmosphere. This is even more significant when taking into account the increase in Police numbers and properties we occupy."

West Yorkshire Police have increased their effort's to reduce carbon dioxide emissions via Combined Heating and Power' schemes at seven of its major stations.