Teenagers under the age of 19 are being asked to come up with a three-minute song to highlight the danger of drugs.

Launched by West Yorkshire Police and Northern Rail the 3 Minute Wonders' competition is aimed at helping officers tackle drugs.

Leeds-born singer Corinne Bailey Rae is backing the competition.

She said: "Helping raise awareness among teenagers about the danger of drugs is vital, and combining this with the chance to showcase local song-writing talent is a great idea."

Inspector Janet Balance, of West Yorkshire Police, said: "West Yorkshire Police see the effects of drugs on young people day in day out, so we're always looking for new ways to help educate them about the dangers."

The closing date for entries is February 8, with regional winners picked in March. An overall winner is selected in May and gets the chance to perform their song at the Settle Music Festival.

Send entries to: 3 Minute Wonders competition, Local Policing Department, Youth & Schools, PO Box 9, Laburnum Road, Wakefield, WF1 3QP. Alternatively, e-mail Kevin.chippendale@westyorkshire.pnn.police.uk.