A 12-year-old boy was robbed as he made his way back to school during the lunchtime break.

The youngster was walking along Spring Gardens Lane, Keighley, towards Holy Family School, when he was confronted by two men who threatened him and demanded money.

The boy handed over a small amount of cash.

Police are appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident - which happened at 12.40pm yesterday - or has information, to come forward.

Both men are described as Asian and of slim build. One is aged about 20, 5ft 10in tall, clean-shaven with short dark hair combed flat at the front, and he was wearing a grey jumper. The other is aged 18-20, 5ft 5in tall and has shaved hair.

The boy was shocked but unhurt.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Keighley CID on 01535 617085 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.