Workers finishing off for the holidays are being reminded to switch off this Christmas.

Bradford Council is holding a second Switch Off Day tomorrow, urging its employees to switch off lights and electrical appliances before they leave the building.

And it is asking other businesses and organisations to encourage their staff do the same.

The Council is hoping that the one-day event will encourage staff to get into the habit of switching off lights, computers, photocopiers, kettles and microwaves.

It follows a similar event earlier in the year run as part of the Council's climate change awareness campaign, funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Councillor Anne Hawkesworth, the executive member for environment and culture, said: "As people leave for the Christmas holidays their minds may well be on parties, shopping and getting home to cook the turkey, but we are asking them to spare a few seconds to think about the planet, too.

"Electrical appliances left on stand-by and lights blazing throughout the Christmas holidays is just a waste of electricity which not only costs organisations money, but also costs the planet. We can all do our bit to avoid contributing to climate change."