Hundreds of Shipley residents have said thank ewe' to an internationally-renowned artist for creating a new centre piece for the town.

Visitors to the town's library over the last two weeks have given their approval to Bradford artist Mowenna Catt's "Shipley Shopper" design, which depicts a ewe taking a breather on a bench.

Now, the "Shipley Shopper" is set to be turned into reality and will take pride of place in the Princess Diana Memorial planter, opposite Woolworths.

The piece of art, which will be made primarily of cast stone, follows public consultation after the planter had stayed bare because of hungry pigeons.

The majority of people wanted a sheep to be included in the piece, as Shipley translates as "sheep meadow".

The £12,000 for the project came from the Government's Cleaner, Safer, Greener Communities scheme.

Jackie Luckham, project co-ordinator at the studios, said: "The exhibition has been up in the library for a couple of weeks. We have had many people looking at it, although we did not have as many responses as we anticipated.

"On the whole, comments have been favourable - there were more positive than negative. The thing about this sort of art is you are never going to please everyone.

"Now, the art work will be fabricated by the artist and installation will be in January or February. We are bringing a bit of quirkiness and humour to the town, we hope we will make people smile."

Morwenna said: "I am really pleased to have been selected to create the piece, it is a great feeling especially as I have lived here for a while. It should be a great addition to the overall look of the area."

Mrs Crossley said: "I am delighted the project is going ahead, it will bring the raised flower bed to life again and will make it look more attractive.

"It also brings an element of fun. Work has already started on rejuvenating other flower beds in the same area."

Green group leader Martin Love, a Shipley ward Councillor, welcomed the new addition to the town centre. He said: "We do get complaints about that patch, but every time something is planted the pigeons get it straight away. Whatever works to get people in to the town centre is to be welcomed. I am sure it will provide a talking point."