A man who attacked a friend with a knife, broken glass and ceramic mug has been jailed for at least three years.

Gareth Wheatley carried out the "sustained and brutal" attack while on bail for an assault on his father, Bradford Crown Court was told.

Judge Roger Scott told 28-year-old Wheatley: "You are a very, very dangerous man. If you are not stopped you will kill another human being."

Wheatley's victim, Jack Scott, suffered numerous cuts to his face requiring nearly 40 stitches in the attack and his life had been ruined because he felt everybody was looking at his scar and he did not want to leave his house.

The attack took place after Mr Scott visited Wheatley's flat, in Bellerby Brow, Buttershaw, at 1.30am on May 3 this year, after drinking heavily.

Prosecutor Heather Weir said words were exchanged between the two men after Scott demanded the defendant rolled him a cigarette.

Scott grabbed the defendant round the throat but ended up on the floor. Wheatley pinned his head down and stabbed him in the arm with a six-inch-bladed knife and then at least twice in the face, with such force that the blade broke.

He then punched him in the face and kicked him in the head and body while he was on the floor.

He also used a piece of broken vase to cut Mr Scott's face.

Wheatley then hit Mr Scott in the face with a ceramic mug, shattering it and knocking him back to the floor, where he was again punched and kicked.

The defendant fled but was found hiding in a shed by a police dog and arrested.

Miss Weir said Wheatley, who pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, was on bail at the time for the common assault of his father at his parents' home on April 7, during which he punched him in the face and head, knocking him to the ground.

He was on bail for that offence when he assaulted his 17-year-old girlfriend, slapping her in the face during a drunken argument. He was given prison sentences in November for those offences, and criminal damage.

Wheatley also had convictions for affray in 2006, threatening behaviour three years earlier and a robbery, for which he was given 15 months in a young offenders institution, in 1997, when he and another man chased their victim for half a mile before punching and kicking him in the head and body and stealing money from his pockets.

Rob Mairs, mitigating, said Wheatley had not sought violence but was woken by Mr Scott, who was drunk and making a nuisance of himself. Judge Scott gave him an indeterminate prison sentence for public protection and said the minimum tariff would be three years.

Judge Scott added: "This offence was said by the Crown to be a brutal and sustained attack - it was. You simply would not let up.

"I would not put any reliance on the idea you might come out of custody in three years. It is a matter for the authorities as to when you are safe for release - that might not be for very, very many years."